Once you’ve tasted the luxurious pleasures of smart home solutions, installing more and newer technologies becomes the natural next step. Distributed audio is a popular choice for those who want to make their daily lives not just easier but more enjoyable as well. From listening to your favorite music or podcasts, to filling the entire house with the audio from your home theater so nobody misses a thing, our multi-room audio installations are a game-changer. 

But which of the many options in the market is the right one for you? In this blog, we’ll dive into the pros and cons of adding wired and wireless solutions. Keep reading to find out which one will be best for creating a unique soundscape in your home, whether it is in Roanoke or Lynchburg, VA.

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Why is Wireless Audio So Popular? 

Wireless audio systems offer one unique advantage that their wired counterparts don’t: their ease of installation and flexibility. Creating a distributed audio system with wireless speakers and subwoofers, such as those from Sonos, allows you to stream music and audio content throughout your home without the need for extensive wiring. This is ideal for existing homes where running wires might be difficult or costly. 

Moreover, wireless systems offer the flexibility to easily add or remove speakers in different areas. Whether you want to expand your system to additional rooms or move speakers around, wireless technology makes it possible without the hassle of rewiring.

What’s the Perk of a Wired Audio System?

Wired distributed audio systems, while more labor intensive, are still the preferred choice for many homeowners, particularly those who prioritize sound quality and reliability. The reason is that wired systems typically deliver higher sound quality with greater consistency. Since the audio signal is transmitted directly through cables, there’s less chance of interference or signal loss, resulting in clearer and more precise audio.

Plus, these systems are less prone to the connectivity issues that can affect wireless setups. Once installed, you can expect a reliable and uninterrupted audio experience without concerns about Wi-Fi performance or signal dropouts.

So Which One Should You Choose?

As long as you trust a professional integrator to design, install, and calibrate your audio system, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to wired or wireless solutions. It all depends on what you prioritize in your home. 

Are you an avid audiophile who needs high-fidelity sound and cannot bear signal dropouts? Then wired speakers from a high-end brand, such as Bowers & Wilkins, is probably the best choice. Do you prefer the adaptability of extending your listening areas as you see fit? Sonos has your back!


Our team of experts can help you identify which system might work best for you, and select the best brand and products to create the perfect listening experience. Contact Sound Decision today to explore our many options!